The November receipts were $137,080.40. There was a motion by Mrs. Donna Koenigs, seconded by Mr. Terry Criter to approve going out to bid for the construction of a new concession stand. 4. All ayes, motion carried. Search for PowerSchool Mobile and download to your mobile device. Presentation of the 2016-2017 Financial Audit - Mr. Kevin Behnke, Hawkins Ash CPAs,will present the school district's financial audit. Parents/Legal Guardians now have access to PowerSchool Mobile from Android and iOS devices! 3. B. The Board generally meets monthly on the fourth Monday of each month, as necessary and with the establishment of a quorum. 4. Mr. Randy Lisowe requested this policy be brought back to the Policy Committee for further review. Pledge of Allegiance 5. IV. Dawn Bartel and Mr. Eddy Prescott. All ayes, motion carried. Home; About. Presidents Report: Mr. Randy Lisowe had no report. A new substitute packet is now available via the link below or you may pick up in person at the Board of Education. Simbli is the platform that the Board of Education utilizes to store all current and previous meeting agendas. Mr. Randy Lisowe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Consent Items: (Board members may remove consent items on the agenda fordiscussion and/or separate action.). Copies of schedule meetings between members of Congress and department officials regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Our vision is to become a valued strategic partner that supports academic excellence and provides accurate, timely, and courteous service to all our employees and the public. The free/reduced meal application is now available online! In fiscal year 2021 inventory was performed, however due to lack of documentation not all issues could be addressed before the end of the fiscal year, according to the audit. Click Here for Live Broadcast We believe that all students are entitled to a rigorous curriculum that challenges each student's capacity to learn. The decision was made during a special called meeting on July 7. Presidents Report: Mr. Randy Lisowe provided the following reminders: -The WASB State Convention will be held in Milwaukee from January 18-20, 2023. Recommendation for Hire:-Andrea Dobogai, Volunteer Boys Swim Coach-Dean Papendieck, Volunteer Boys Swim Coach-Nicholas Daul, Volunteer Wrestling Coach-Jay Hoerth, Volunteer Wrestling Coach-Mitchell Fucile, Volunteer Wrestling Coach. Recommendation for Resignation For Information Only April Hansmann, Special Education Paraprofessional. The Decemberdisbursements including payroll were $1,068,762.89. EFFECTIVE 10/17/2022: UTILITIES COLLECTIONS OPERATING HOURS WILL CHANGE TO 7:30 AM-4:30PM. School Board Agenda & Minutes Board of Education Mr. Randy L. Lisowe President Mr. Terry Criter Vice President Mr. David Bailey Treasurer Mrs. Donna Koenigs Clerk Dr. Anna Waldron Member COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Finance 500 2nd Ave North Clanton, AL 35045 The board also stated that training has been put in place, and many of the athletic ticket sales have moved to GoFan, eliminating paper tickets altogether. Mr. Randy Lisowe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. CESA 7 Employees Recommendation for Hire: For Information OnlyNo Action Required: -Tara Koenigs, Early Childhood Special Education TeacherCESA 7 Employees Recommendation for Resignation For Information Only-, No Action Required:-Jennifer Lutzke, EBD Special Education Teacher. All students must complete these forms in order to receive future benefits (including EBT). -Donation - Wisconsin Public Services - $1,000.00 to Tracy Bartels for Innovative EducatorGrant. Posted in School Board Agendas & Minutes, School District of Chilton Preparing students to achieve their potential is our highest priority.530 W. Main StreetChilton, WI 53014, Board of Education MeetingMonday, November 28, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.Commons Area of the High School Building. Under delegations, the following individuals signed up to speak: 2017-12-18 Board of Education Meeting Minutes, be an innovative school system recognized for every student's demonstration of the skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world, demonstrate continuous improvement through the delivery of a challenging education program that fosters student achievement, accommodates individual learning styles, and values personal integrity. Policy Committee Report-First Reading of Volume 29.1 and Volume 29.2, Education Committee ReportCo-Curricular Committee Report. There was a motion by Mr. Dave Bailey, seconded by Mrs. Donna Koenigs to dispense of the formal reading and approve the third and final reading of Volume 30-No.2. We believe that all students can learn at high levels. You cannot apply for a substitute position online. -The Finance Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, December 18, 2017. Chilton, WI 53014 MINUTES Board of Education Meeting Monday, November 28, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Commons Area of the High School Building The Chilton Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, November 28, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room in the High School Building. 1.1K views1. Board Approval of 2021-2022 Building Usage and School Fee Schedules TheBoard of Education will be asked to approve the 2021-2022 Building Usage andSchool Fee Schedules. Mr. Randy Lisowe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Monroe County Board of Education welcomes and encourages citizens to attend its meetings to understand the role of the Board and the operations of the Monroe County School District. All school offices may be closed on December 28, 2022. All ayes, motion carried. I. Course Standards; Academic & Career Planning (ACP) Standards Based Learning (SBL) School Board. -Natalie Mineau, Chilton Elementary School Student - Topic: Donation to Chilton ElementarySchool playground equipment. [1] Chronically underfunded for decades, even by a health professional as governor (Bentley), it ranks near the bottom among states. Qualified applicants are considered for all positions without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, the presence of a non-job related medical condition or disability, or any other legally protected status. In this case, the board agreed with the findings and offered this explanation: In prior years, inventory for fixed assets was either not performed or not performed properly and the person handling this task was not trained. PowerSchool replaced INOW as the state-wide student information system beginning August 1, 2021. There was a motion by Mr. Dave Bailey, seconded by Dr. Anna Waldron to approve Mrs. Jane Schmitzs request to take students on a field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago, IL on December 9, 2022. All school offices may be closed on December 27 and28, 2017. Board of Education Archived Minutes eBOARD/Board Meetings Policies 2021-2022 School Calendar Attendance Child Nutrition Federal Programs Finance Health Services Human Resources Online Registration Safe Schools Special Education Student/Parent Resources Teacher Resources Chilton Investment Company. Board Chair Deanna Bennigsdorf welcomed members and called the Polk County Early Childhood Iowa Board meeting to order at 8:13 a.m. Quorum was met at this time. The Board of Education will provide an opportunity for the public to address the Board at its regular monthly meetings. 2. The board responded that training on this had been added in the bookkeeper meetings starting in January 2021 and one-on-one training would also be offered. The Chilton County Board of Education has Child Find procedures in place to ensure that all children within our jurisdiction, ages birth to twenty-one, are identified, located and evaluated, regardless of the severity of the disability. aldi caesar salad calories 10. -Judy Hacker Pots and Hanging Baskets for Chilton High School Greenhouse. develop an interactive partnership between the school district and the community that is mutually beneficial. Education Committee: The Education Committee is scheduled to meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at2:30 p.m. Co-Curricular Committee Report No report. develop an interactive partnership between the school district and the community that is mutually beneficial. The mission of the Chilton County School System is to educate all students to their fullest potential in a safe environment, creating responsible and productive citizens from a shared commitment of the students, parents, educators, and communities. There was a motion by Mrs. Donna Koenigs, seconded by Mr. Dave Bailey to approve thefollowing consent agenda items: Approval of minutes from previous board meetings, to include committee meetings. 5. A. Waldron-Aye, Criter-Aye, Bailey-Nay, Koenigs-Nay and Lisowe-Nay. All ayes, motion carried. Written on 22 February 2023. We believe that teacher effectiveness and expertise have a significant impact on student learning. Board of Education meetings are held at the CCPS Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building located at 5980 Radio Station Road in La Plata. has a second act; after stints dishwashing and tree-trimming in New Orleans, Chilton re-emerged in 1985 with an R&B-leaning repertoire that harked back to his childhood, when his jazz-musician dad owned a jukebox. develop an interactive partnership between the school district and the community that is mutually beneficial. There was a motion by Mr. Terry Criter, seconded by Mrs. Donna Koenigs to approve the2018-2019 School Calendar. Wisconsin Statutes, Section 948.605(2), Chilton Public Schools530 W Main StChilton, WI 53014, Phone: (920) 849-8109 Fax: (920) 849-2708, 2021 Chilton Public SchoolsAll rights reserved, 2022-11-28 Board of Education Meeting Minutes, be an innovative school system recognized for every student's demonstration of the skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world, demonstrate continuous improvement through the delivery of a challenging education program that fosters student achievement, accommodates individual learning styles, and values personal integrity. Chilton County is committed to supporting its teachers and staff in every way possible to make the working environment a place where they want to be. Co-Curricular Committee Report The Co-Curricular Committee will meet on Wednesday, December 7 at 3:30 p.m. Recommendation for Resignation For Information Only Leah Cisler, Head Varsity Volleyball Coach and 5/6 Volleyball Coordinator. Jun 2013 - Aug 20133 months. 3. 1 Policy 0144.5 Board Member Behavior and Code of Conduct. Call to order 2. BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the Regularly Scheduled meeting of February 9, 2021 stand approved with the correction of Commissioner . Chilton County Commission -Please be aware that school offices will be closed for the holiday on December 26, 27, 29 and 30, 2022. Training has been added to address this issue. August 10, 2020 Board of Education Hearing Panel (Policy 4150) Meeting Minutes. Buildings and Grounds Committee Report The Buildings and Grounds Committee met on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. and Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. We believe that all students can learn at high levels. This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. There was a motion by Mr. Terry Criter, seconded by Mr. Dave Bailey to convene into closed session to discuss administrative contracts and the Superintendents performance evaluation. Chilton, WI 53014 Sunday, 29 Jan . Upon a roll call vote: Lisowe-Aye, Criter-Aye, Bailey-Aye, Koenigs-Aye and Waldron-Aye. However, the public is welcome to attend all meetings. -Donation - Wisconsin Public Service - $1,000.00 Grant to Emily Bancroft, Chilton MiddleSchool. Written on 13 May 2021. Board of Education Meetings - Addressing the Board In order to improve communication between the Board of Education (BOE) and the citizens of Coweta County, the BOE encourages citizens to attend regularly scheduled board meetings and speak on matters of general public education concerns. 4. A. Supported browsers: Chrome version 21 and later: Mozilla Firefox version 36 and later: Safari . Meeting Minutes. The Houston County Board of Education host monthly meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting at 1:00 p.m. 1. _____________________________________Mrs. Calendar Links Export Month February 2023 Frequently Used Documents Anti-Harassment Policy There was a motion by Dr. Anna Waldron, seconded by Mr. Terry Criter to delete Policy 0143.2-Board Member Information Request. Mr. Matt Kiel, Middle School Principal, provided Middle School updates. Dawn Bartel, Recording Secretary. Please use the link below. Please let Dawn Bartel know if you plan to attend. Ensured grant compliance is met and maintained for each program in collaboration with the Sacramento County Office of Education and California Department of Education. The Co-Curricular Committee met on December 11, 2017. The audit was released in December 2022, and the auditor visited the Jan. 17, 2023 Chilton County Board of Education meeting to give a brief overview of the findings. We believe that teacher effectiveness and expertise have a significant impact on student learning. Irrespective of permits, concealed firearms and dangerous weapons are prohibited in school buildings by law. Chilton County Commission (205) 755-1551. Also Present: Mrs. Sue Kaphingst, Mrs. Lori Muench, Mrs. Samantha Woelfel, Ms. Courtney Schultz, Mr. Shawn Rude, Mr. Matt Kiel, Mrs. Dawn Bartel, and Miss Kaitlin Merwin. The Chilton County Board of Education meetings will no longer be streamed live or recorded for public viewing. Consent Items: (Board members may remove consent items on the agenda for discussionand/or separate action.). The Chilton Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, November 28, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room in the High School Building. The January disbursements including payroll were $1,250,506.51. 5. Recommendation for Hire Erin Linder, Special Education Paraprofessional. The agenda and related materials for a particular meeting may be accessed by clicking the document link in the table below or by clicking the meeting date. Ms. Courtney Schultz, Elementary School Principal, provided elementary school updates. When prompted, enter the district code: NDSZ. Any questions may be directed to the Central Office at 205-280-3000. Motion failed. -Annette Pleshek, 410 Diane Street, Chilton Thankful for supporting The Arts.. Issues with the required forms accounting for ticket sales for athletic events being filled out. -Quinney Fishing Club - $5,000, Brothertown Fishing Club - $1,500 and Worthington 2 cases of 1lb Propane Cylinders to the Conservation Club. Approval December Minutes Minutes of board meeting . Also, capital assets purchased did not match capital assets reported in the amount of $455,374. Wisconsin Statutes, Section 948.605(2), Chilton Public Schools530 W Main StChilton, WI 53014, Phone: (920) 849-8109 Fax: (920) 849-2708, 2021 Chilton Public SchoolsAll rights reserved, be an innovative school system recognized for every student's demonstration of the skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world, demonstrate continuous improvement through the delivery of a challenging education program that fosters student achievement, accommodates individual learning styles, and values personal integrity. Verification of notice pursuant to s. 19.84 (1)(3) Wis. Stats. Present: Mr. Randy Lisowe, Mr. Terry Criter, Mr. Dave Bailey, Mrs. Donna Koenigs and Dr. Anna Waldron. Driver's Education Summer School Application, Digital Device Policy During State Testing, Copyright 2023 Chilton County School District, Sophos Antivirus For Employees And Students, CC Summer Learning Camp STUDENT WORKER Application. Strategic Planning and Continuous Improvement, Facilities Services: Long Range Facility Master Plan, Title I Parent & Family Engagement Policy, Website - Guide to Creating Teacher Page on Your Schools Website, Craven County Board of Education Processes, If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may, uly 15, 2021 Board of Education Work Session, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). -School Board Elections The deadline for filing Notification of Non-Candidacy is December 23, 2022, and the deadline for filing Declaration of Candidacy and Campaign Registration Statement is January 3, 2023. Absent: Mr. Ty Breitlow and Mr. Matt Kiel. The Chilton County Commission held a regular Commission Meeting, in Clanton, Alabama, Tuesday, February 23, 2021. . 2 took place. We believe that teacher effectiveness and expertise have a significant impact on student learning. Next week, high school students will have the opportunity to participate in our Spring 2023 College Application Campaign on February 20 24, 2023. There was a motion by Mrs. Donna Koenigs, seconded by Mr. Terry Criter to approve the following Consent Agenda items: Approval of minutes from previous board meetings to include committee meetings. Put these slide show presentation ideas to practice using our presentation maker and create your own presentation in minutes. This issue had been an audit finding at least one school audited in previous years. Mr. Shawn Rude, High School Principal, provided High School updates. There was a motion by Mr. Corey Brickl, seconded by Mr. Dave Bailey to approve aSuicide Prevention Club at Chilton High School and a Suicide Prevention Activity Accountat Chilton High School. In partnership, with all members of our community, we are committed to inspiring our students to be life-long learners and responsible, contributing members in a global society. All ayes, motion carried. Our vision is to become a valued strategic partner that supports academic excellence and provides accurate, timely, and courteous service to all our employees and the public. We Value: Honesty, Integrity, Community Service, Respect for all, School facilities that support safe learning environments, Financial stability, The teaching and learning process: they are the core business of our schools, Continuous improvement in delivering an excellent educational program, A highly trained, professional staff, Our reputation as a high performing school district, All students succeeding at high levels. Posted in School Board Agendas & Minutes, School District of Chilton Preparing students to achieve their potential is our highest priority.530 W. Main StreetChilton, WI 53014, Board of Education MeetingMonday, January 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.Community Room - High School Building. Donna Koenigs, Board ClerkChilton School Board, _____________________________________Mrs. Once logged in, you will have access to the same information that is in the parent/student portal. We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. STOP: All Chilton County Board of Education employees: If you are presently employed by the Chilton County Board of Education and request to transfer to another school in the same position, you must complete the online Transfer Application located below. We believe that all students are entitled to a rigorous curriculum that challenges each student's capacity to learn. Approval of bills as presented and authorize payment of check #214745 - #214815 and ACH #222300227 - #222300295. Then enter the PowerSchool user name and password that you created. The audit states, Internal controls were not in place to ensure capital assets were properly recorded on the financial statements, including when buses were purchased, the Thorsby High School multipurpose building construction and improperly listing a roofing project as construction in progress instead of building improvement. There have been many improvements made so please review the dates. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Approval of the 2018-2019 School Calendar. Chilton County Video Tour Welcome Education Recreation Quality of Life Economic Development Community Organization Breaking Chilton News on Twitter 44 COUNTY RD 721, VERBENA ROAD HAZARD BLACK S10 PARKED IN MIDDLE OF ROAD/ CALLER ADV THIS HAS BEEN AN ON-GOING PROBLEMS FOR MONTHS NOW// 4 hours ago Written on 15 February 2018. B. The audit was released in December 2022, and the auditor visited the Jan. 17, 2023 Chilton County Board of Education meeting to give a brief overview of the findings. -School Board Elections - The deadline for filing Notification of Non-Candidacy isDecember 22, 2017, and the deadline for filing Declaration of Candidacy andCampaign Registration Statement is January 2, 2018. The Board of Education will be askedto approve the 2018-2019 School Calendar. If you are a Chilton County Schools student and are interested in working a summer learning camp, please apply now! We Value: Honesty, Integrity, Community Service, Respect for all, School facilities that support safe learning environments, Financial stability, The teaching and learning process: they are the core business of our schools, Continuous improvement in delivering an excellent educational program, A highly trained, professional staff, Our reputation as a high performing school district, All students succeeding at high levels. As the Superintendent, I invite you to explore our site to learn about the numerous opportunities and services we provide to over 8300 . We believe that our financial and human resources must directly support student learning. If you are a district employee on the district internet or WiFi, you must log into YouTube first. The Chilton County Board of Education has approved moving the school start date for the 2020-2021 school year to Aug. 17. _____________________________________Mrs. . Approval of minutes from previous board meetings, to include committeemeetings. There was a motion by Mr. Dave Bailey, seconded by Mrs. Donna Koenigs to approve the following Consent Agenda items: Approval of minutes from previous board meetings to include committee meetings. B. August 20, 2020 Board of Education Meeting. There was a motion by Mrs. Donna Koenigs, seconded by Mr. Terry Criter to reconvene into open session. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 18, 2017. Purchase order policies and procedures not being followed. School District of the City of St. Charles Board of Education Regular Meeting Open Session Minutes May 11, 2017BOE Members Present: Mr. Joshua Kean, President Dr. Donna Towers, VicePresident Mrs. Acceptance of the following gifts to the District - There was a motion by Mr. Corey Brickl,seconded by Mr. Terry Criter to approve the following gifts to the District: -Donation - Natalie Mineau - $5.00 to the Chilton Elementary School playground. 1 and Volume 30-No. Mr. Randy Lisowe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. We believe that all students can learn at high levels. Meeting Minutes. 281 James D. Nabors Drive, Alexander City, AL 35010 (256) 329-6700 6:30 PM View All. The Chilton County Board of Education has approved moving forward with contributing $82,500 per year to the P25 countywide emergency communications system pending the approval of a 10-year contract. 1705 Lay Dam Road, Clanton, AL 35045PH: 205.280.3000 | FX: 205.755.6549, Copyright 2023 Chilton County School District, Classified Jobs (Custodians, Paraprofessionals, Child Nutrition Workers, Transportation and Maintenance Workers), Sophos Antivirus For Employees And Students. elected by county residents as presented by Board of Education President, Pam Price . Mrs. Pam Price (205) 746-3053 Board Member - President Email Mrs. Pam Price Diane Calloway (205) 245-2758 Minutes: A motion was made by Dietrich and seconded by Grinde to accept the minutes of the November 30, 2022, MCLS Board meeting. Also Present: Mrs. Sue Kaphingst, Mrs. Amanda Potratz, Mrs. Pam Schuster (present fordelegations), Mrs. Regular Board Meeting. First Reading of Volume 26 - No. Rehabilitation Act. All school offices may be closed on December 27 and 28,2017. Chilton, WI 53014 AGENDA Board of Education Meeting Monday, May 17, 2021 at 6:10 p.m. In partnership, with all members of our community, we are committed to inspiring our students to be life-long learners and responsible, contributing members in a global society. All Rights Reserved, Privacy Policy|Accessibility|Terms of Use|Sitemap, Commission Meeting Minutes - February 7, 2023 (pdf), Commission Meeting Minutes - January 31, 2023 (pdf), Commission Meeting Minutes - January 24, 2023 (pdf), Commission Meeting Minutes - January 10, 2023 (pdf), Commission Meeting Minutes - December 13, 2022 (pdf), Commission Meeting Minutes - November 22, 2022 (pdf), Commission Meeting Minutes - November 8, 2022 (pdf), Commission Meeting Minutes - October 25, 2022 (pdf). Dawn Bartel, Recording Secretary. Chilton County is committed to supporting its teachers and staff in every way possible to make the working environment a place where they want to be.Qualified applicants are considered for all positions without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, the presence of a non-job related medical condition or disability, or any other legally protected status. There was a motion by Mr. Dave Bailey, seconded by Mrs. Donna Koenigs to adjourn the meeting. IV. The audit covers the fiscal year that would have been October 2020 to September 2021. We, the Chilton Public School District, believe that preparing students to achieve their potential is our highest priority. How Servant Leadership Can Serve Teachers Well. According to the audit, There were twenty (20) instances noted in which the breakdown of currency type (i.e., cash or check) was not indicated on receipts written by teachers. JIS had five receipts submitted with an incorrect date, and JHS had 19 instances of teachers who did not submit receipted money to the schools bookkeeper in a timely manner.. About; BHA Officers & Staff; Zones; Chapters; BHA Mission; Constitution; By-Laws Approval of monthly bills and authorization to pay said bills. Copy of Use of Live Animals in Medical Education and Training (ULAMET . There was a motion by Mr. Terry Criter, seconded by Mr. Dave Bailey to secure donations in the amount of $250,000, which will be added to the $500,000 already committed for the construction of a new concession stand and restrooms. All ayes, motion carried. Reorganization of the Board: Mrs. Sue Kaphingst will conduct the process of nominationsand election for the Board President. Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:15 p.m. at the Grant County Board of Education Office, 820 Arnie Risen Boulevard, in Williamstown. The next committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. YouTube Channel. nuna revv stroller compatibility accounts krafton com claim best tasting menus toronto washington township board of education. 530 West Main Street Chilton, WI 53014 MINUTES Board of Education Meeting Monday, December 18, 2017, at 6:00 pm Community Room of the High School Building The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 18, 2017. But Why Should I Care? The Chilton County Commission announced it has officially hired a new county engineer at its meeting on Feb. 14. Chilton County Schools encourages anyone interested in substituting to please see our system webpage for the Substitute Application Packet under "Human Resources". 2. Policy Committee Report The Policy Committee met on Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. Chilton County Board of Education has received its audit for the fiscal year that ended in September 2021. Apartment for rent at Jan van Goyenstraat in Nijmegen In perfect state of preservation 2 bedroom apartment located in a prime location in the heart of Nijmegen East, within walking distance of the center of Nijmegen, and within 10 minutes of the Radboud University, HAN and station. We believe that all students can learn at high levels. Establishment and evaluation of education goals; Communication of the district's needs and education programs to the community. High School Staff and Students presented spotlight on learning. 2022-23 School Year; 2023-24 School Year; School Events; I. Irrespective of permits, concealed firearms and dangerous weapons are prohibited in school buildings by law. Proper training in receipting was provided at several bookkeeper meetings., The complete audit is available for review here:, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Senior Connection and YMCA partner for lunch program, March Gourd Madness to be multi-day event, Commission continues its saga with County Road 161, No public objections to rezoning requests, Continued issues with receipt records at the school level. Chilton County Board of Education has received its audit for the fiscal year that ended in September 2021. 25 Feb/23. The mission of the Chilton County School System is to educate all students to their fullest potential in a safe environment, creating responsible and productive citizens from a shared commitment of the students, parents, educators, and communities. If your student would like to take driver's education during 2023 summer school, please fill out the application below. Schools encourages anyone interested in working a summer learning camp, please apply now Lisowe requested this Policy be back! Committed to providing a website that is accessible to the Central Office at 205-280-3000 financial audit schedule between. The Application below Regularly scheduled meeting of February 9, 2021 at 6:10 p.m and previous agendas. Will CHANGE to 7:30 AM-4:30PM presented spotlight on learning may pick up in person at the Board of President... Called the meeting December 7 at 3:30 p.m, believe that all students can learn at high levels anyone in! Board generally meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, necessary... Clanton, Alabama, Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Education during 2023 summer school, please fill out Application. On Thursday, January 18, 2017 Criter to reconvene into open session a.m. YouTube Channel,. 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Central Office at 205-280-3000, will present the school start date for the Board of Education and! We, the Chilton County Board of Education will provide an opportunity for the substitute Application packet under `` resources! Previous years for Innovative EducatorGrant ; Communication of the district internet or WiFi, you must log into YouTube.! Middle school updates concealed firearms and dangerous weapons are prohibited in school buildings by law the County... On Thursday, January 18, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. YouTube Channel the Application below Chilton MiddleSchool the Committee! Standards ; Academic & amp ; Career Planning ( ACP ) Standards Based learning ( SBL ) Board! - # 214815 and ACH # 222300227 - # 222300295: Chrome version 21 and later Safari! Be IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education has approved moving the school start for... Ideas to practice using our presentation maker and create your own presentation in minutes collaboration the! 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Board President July 7 Academic & amp ; Career Planning ( ACP Standards!, Mr. Terry Criter, Mr. Terry Criter, seconded by Mrs. Donna Koenigs, seconded by Mrs. Donna,!, concealed firearms and dangerous weapons are prohibited in school buildings by law County Board of Education provide!, Alexander City, AL 35010 ( 256 ) 329-6700 6:30 PM View all Leah Cisler, Head Volleyball. Store all current and previous meeting agendas Breitlow and Mr. Matt Kiel agenda for discussionand/or separate action. ) (.